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Current observations in cosmology, interpreted within the framework of General Relativity (GR), imply that dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM) are the dominant components of the matter-energy budget of the Universe, with relative fractions of about 68% and 27% respectively, whereas only 5% is made of ordinary (baryonic) matter. However, the very nature of DE and DM is unknown and represents the most crucial question of modern cosmology and fundamental physics. Among the different cosmological probes, galaxy clusters provide a complementary and necessary approach, as they are sensitive to not only the geometrical expansion of the Universe, but also to its dynamical evolution. In this context, a fundamental role will be played by the Euclid mission that will survey 15,000 deg2 over a 6 year period starting with 2020 and that will be able to detect ∼2×10^6 clusters down to masses ∼10^13.8−14.0 M⊙ out to z~2.
The ClustersXEuclid research project of the duration of 60 months is aimed at the development of a pipeline that will derive cosmological constraints from the detection and characterization of clusters of galaxies in the Euclid survey, at the characterization and calibration of Euclid cluster masses, and at creating a framework for exploiting synergies between Euclid and the next generation of multi-wavelength cluster surveys (CORE, CMB-S4, eRosita, Athena). 
The Euclid mission is a large international collaboration, equivalent to the large experiments for particle physics (e.g., LHC) and represents one of the largest scientific and economical efforts of the next decade afforded by Europe in general and by Italy within Europe. The FARE – ClustersXEuclid proposal aims at continuing the activities, building on the consolidated expertise and roles within the Euclid Consortium of the P.I. and of the members of the ClustersXEuclid team, and therefore at maximizing the scientific return of this substantial economic effort.

FARE: ClustersXEuclid: Welcome

Tel: +39 040 3199 282

Fax: +39 040 309418

Astronomy Unit
Department of Physics - UniTS 
Via Giambattista Tiepolo, 34143 Trieste TS, Italy

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